Tuesday, 5 October 2010

When should I send out Wedding invitations?

What is the etiquette for sending out Wedding invitations?

Weddings – I would suggest that you start to plan who you’d like to send invites to and also start thinking of the designs approximately 3-4 months in advance of your date. Sending the invites out to your day and evening guests (if applicable) can then be done approximately 2 months in advance.

Of course it completely depends on the person; I’ve had customers come to me nearly 2 years ahead of their big day and then others will naturally wait until 1-2 months before! It’s always important to consider your invitee’s situation – will they need to book time off work? Do they need to arrange childcare? Etc. In these cases it’s always best to give as much notice as possible.

There’s also the matter of “Save the date” cards, although not always essential it is worth thinking about - especially if your big day falls on a bank holiday or key dates, such as festivals and sporting events. These can be sent a year in advance and act as cheap invitations for your first round of "guest list gathering", Save the date cards are often designed and sent the same size as business cards - don't overwhelm with information and the card can be kept in a purse or wallet as a gentle reminder. You Say I Make Invites can even design your invitations in advance and design a matching Save the Date card for you to send out first or why not use it as a teaser invite?

If you’re thinking about your Wedding invitations, Christening invitations or Birthday invitations, or you’ve got a special occasion coming up then why not get in touch to discuss completely customised invitations with You Say, I Make Invites: www.yousayimakeinvites.co.uk.

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